Thursday, July 08, 2004

Terrorizing, it was…….

Plodding through a very thick,
forest, a boy was relaxing his
mind, for he had been hustled
out from his dwell for something.
Trying to forget his loneliness, he
did sing songs of various kinds…
which made him feel a bit relieving.
Striding, through the thicket and
through the gusty gale for a
considerable length of time, he
got exhausted and sat down
relaxingly. What am I going to
do for the night? How am I
going to manage the day? What
to do…….he was confused.
Juddering with intimidance,
he searched for water to have
a gulp of it. Oh! Water, Where
are you? Aren’t you humanitarian?
Aren’t you benevolent?.. After a
desperate search, fate gifted him
with a small pond alongside. Noticing
that, he quickened to that pond
and gulped the impure amrita and
forgot the world, till he was awakened
by the plashing shrubs and cuckoo
birds which hinted him that, it was
dawn. Continued, the boy his plod
to infinity, suddenly he was haunted
by devils. Oh! Help Me, I shouted, that
brought my mom and dad from their
rooms, to my enquiry. What made
me go to the forest? I questioned….
Oh!… What a nasty dream was it?
Very incredible, Oh divinity, What
made you haunt me like this?
May such dreams discontinue
in my life..Oh! Creator.

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