Thursday, July 22, 2004

It's his regime...

He has attained whatever he requires, whatever he craves for,  uncaring
about the consequences. He is someone extra-ordinary. Yes.
He discovers…. invents…
But still insatiable. Wants more. But ‘no problems’ does he feel…
Coz, he’s bestowed with something unique, compared to others, to achieve and attain his longings... He is overreaching… Never stops…That insatiability prevents him from ceasing. He hurtles in the field of science especially. Very fast….
He goes on and on and on……
He ideates  ‘it’s possible’. He is imbued with optimsm.
He has outflanked all others. He is a maven in all events. Yes. He rules every peck of this globe. It’s his regime.
He is “man”. Man is great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup Right!!