Friday, August 06, 2004

Environment will suit..........

Environment will steer it's way and we will have to steer towards it....

We have seen people changing their dwellings. We have noticed students getting into hostel atmospheres from their equanimous residences...

"Environment doesn't suit" - This is a comment that buffets our ears often from the 'shifters'.
But I think environment has nothing wrong to do with them. Has it got any malice of them? Nah. Their thoughts may be erring...

If one's mind is abject, it's arduous to adapt to the environment. Every thing depends on one's 'mind - set'. One's thoughts need to pure enough to sychronise with the environment, one dwells.
Then one will find the environment automatically turning towards him/her and benifitting him/her.
Make thoughts and mind fit to adapt yourself to the environment.
One has to change his attitude and soul in favour of the environment, then you can surely expect the environment to hold you, support you, benifit you and bring bliss in you.....

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