Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Twas all crap!!!

Huh! Twas all worse... It's been so long, dat I almost forgot the password to sign into BLOGGER.
But I am in, not wid the same old reason for the insanity, but wid a different one!

I, all of a sudden, was unable to access the internet for about a fortnight, due this, crap, kinda, computer!!! Mine is one of the world's slowest cheap and insipid systems! My system encountered a problem it seems, which, as usual, went beyond my comprehending ability, to resolve it out!

Still, the problem persists, unresolved. Twas only today, I was alive enough to realise that the problem was with WINDOWS XP (but still not, what the problem, actually is). Net is accesible wid WINDOWS 98, but still not possible wid XP. But it's dead slow, out here, in 98. But atleast some bloody crap, could be surfed of, instead of just murdering the time wid inactivity!!

1 comment:

Ravisekharan (a) Ravi said...

Yes da! This broadband sucks!