Event of cerainty seldom occurs,
Does it frequently do?
Or does it never?
It does - but it's uncertain.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
What is ultimate?
Life seems to be dis-satisfying, though not!
Time seems to be flee, though not!
Days seem to be hectic, though not!
We live with illusions, perhaps,
Our mind, being filled, with complexities,
And our thoughts, with hatred or with love, may be.
Self-justifying our bad omans,
Relishing and Cherishing our sweet moments,
Getting greedy everyday,
With nothing being achieved in an ultimate sense!!
Time seems to be flee, though not!
Days seem to be hectic, though not!
We live with illusions, perhaps,
Our mind, being filled, with complexities,
And our thoughts, with hatred or with love, may be.
Self-justifying our bad omans,
Relishing and Cherishing our sweet moments,
Getting greedy everyday,
With nothing being achieved in an ultimate sense!!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Xerox - The Power of Youth ! !
Xerox Corporation was founded in 1906 in New York. It manufactures Photocopiers, Printing presses and related gadgets and provides related consultancies. Forming an image by the action of light on a specially coated charged plate; the latent image is developed with powders that adhere only to electrically charged areas. This is how Photocopying has been defined. This was later called as Xerography, now Xerox.
I must confess that, I never knew that there was company called Xerox which formed the basis for the origin of the word ‘Xerox’ (meaning ‘copying’) until my school days.
I feel this history will suffice. ‘Xerox’ing, these days, have become unavoidable esp. among student community. One can come across a Xerox shop every ten feet span anywhere in India. Its demand has grown with years. Xerox shops have started generating lot of profit (which probably will have a significant influence in the nation’s GDP quiet soon!!!).
Right from application forms for admissions till the receipt of degree, we owe the Xerox machine quiet a lot. It caters to the needs of all class of people, right from an efficient Entrepreneur to a school going chap, right from the President of the nation to a school teacher. Imagine a world without this machine (Nothing so magical about this! compared to many other miracles. But it still is). No more duplication might have been possible. Every single document will have to be original and safe. Again this is close to impossibility.
In my view, owning a miniscule Xerox shop at the corner of a college campus erecting two microcosm version of the machine (but in ‘good condition’ always!)employing one chap for each, can pull in quiet a healthy crowd, can generate bewildering amount of profit (possibly higher than what one earns through his/her profession!).
Here the stress has been given on syllables ‘good condition’ machines. The reason being, if the machines do not perform with full efficacy, the shop is going to land in problems.
Xerox shop is analogous to playing a sport. A good performance fetches applauds from all around. Bad performances can throw you into a huge fireball of criticism (Like the one in my college campus, where the Xerox machine remains dysfunctional for about 7 hours in a 8-hour day. The remaining one hour, it operates at 25% efficiency!) A badly maintained Xerox shop leads to Customer dissatisfaction (esp. during emergency situation. My emergency situation mostly has been final minute preparation for exams!!!), ending up with dwindling crowd and loss of profit!!!
I, personally, must thank Xerox Corporation for having brain-stormed this idea and inventing this seemingly legerdemain product, which today has gained global popularity.
Inspiration for this post: My recently ended exams!!!
I must confess that, I never knew that there was company called Xerox which formed the basis for the origin of the word ‘Xerox’ (meaning ‘copying’) until my school days.
I feel this history will suffice. ‘Xerox’ing, these days, have become unavoidable esp. among student community. One can come across a Xerox shop every ten feet span anywhere in India. Its demand has grown with years. Xerox shops have started generating lot of profit (which probably will have a significant influence in the nation’s GDP quiet soon!!!).
Right from application forms for admissions till the receipt of degree, we owe the Xerox machine quiet a lot. It caters to the needs of all class of people, right from an efficient Entrepreneur to a school going chap, right from the President of the nation to a school teacher. Imagine a world without this machine (Nothing so magical about this! compared to many other miracles. But it still is). No more duplication might have been possible. Every single document will have to be original and safe. Again this is close to impossibility.
In my view, owning a miniscule Xerox shop at the corner of a college campus erecting two microcosm version of the machine (but in ‘good condition’ always!)employing one chap for each, can pull in quiet a healthy crowd, can generate bewildering amount of profit (possibly higher than what one earns through his/her profession!).
Here the stress has been given on syllables ‘good condition’ machines. The reason being, if the machines do not perform with full efficacy, the shop is going to land in problems.
Xerox shop is analogous to playing a sport. A good performance fetches applauds from all around. Bad performances can throw you into a huge fireball of criticism (Like the one in my college campus, where the Xerox machine remains dysfunctional for about 7 hours in a 8-hour day. The remaining one hour, it operates at 25% efficiency!) A badly maintained Xerox shop leads to Customer dissatisfaction (esp. during emergency situation. My emergency situation mostly has been final minute preparation for exams!!!), ending up with dwindling crowd and loss of profit!!!
I, personally, must thank Xerox Corporation for having brain-stormed this idea and inventing this seemingly legerdemain product, which today has gained global popularity.
Inspiration for this post: My recently ended exams!!!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
7/8 up...
Last-minute efforts, Sleepless nights, drooping eyes, tired brain, excruciating study-hours, frequent tea taking at nights and what not. The seventh semester exams did generate enough harrowing experiences.
Coming to my performance, I'd rate it as - "Very Average". Somehow, I managed to sail 87.5% of my engineering journey safely. No comments on my remaining 1/8th. No speculations on how it turns out to be. As fas as now, Semester holidays is going to be the prime-focus. Looking forward to "Active Blogging".
Coming to my performance, I'd rate it as - "Very Average". Somehow, I managed to sail 87.5% of my engineering journey safely. No comments on my remaining 1/8th. No speculations on how it turns out to be. As fas as now, Semester holidays is going to be the prime-focus. Looking forward to "Active Blogging".
Thursday, November 08, 2007
DIWALI dhamaka !
It's DIWALI day. The festival of lights.
"May this DIWALI bring loads of Joy in you." - as though previous Diwali did not bring any joy!!
"May this Diwali lighten your heart with sweet thoughts blah blah" - As though last Diwali was a disastrous strife ! !
But, these are formalities. Right? Yes. Every Diwali, we wish each other Happines, Loads of Joy and Fortune. If not done, society might have a different view about us.
But, Diwali has always been a special occassion for the Indians. They never celebrate this Im-promptu. They plan for it well in advance. This is the day, (though meant for Enjoyment and relaxation) we get a bit extra tired, the reason being, a mouth gum ache - wishing everyone, A HAPPY and JOYOUS DIWALI, though, he/she is an unhappy person by birth!
This day has always got a different agenda on the board right from the morning, rather than an usual orthodox agenda. We wake up early (if not, we'll be taken to task!)even if not interested in celebrations, take bath (This has to be done, atleast today!), wear an attractive attire, visit a temple, burst crackers and stuff. But, as we keep growing by age, this dhamaka seems to attenuate. We feel slothful to rise up in the morning and celebrate.
The advancement of technology, in one way, has got a hand in spoiling the real sense of celebaration. We forward the Diwali wishes to a list of 40 people in our Cell phone memory and to a huge list in ORKUT and Yahoo, without actually knowing whom we wished. Because, this makes the job simpler (but not effective!). But, finally, DIWALI is still Diwali. The name has got something special in it. This day is always a speical day for all INDIANS, howmuch ever India has advanced.
HAPPY DIWALI TO ALL MY BLOGGER FRIENDS (Don mind, if i don wish each one of you in person!)
"May this DIWALI bring loads of Joy in you." - as though previous Diwali did not bring any joy!!
"May this Diwali lighten your heart with sweet thoughts blah blah" - As though last Diwali was a disastrous strife ! !
But, these are formalities. Right? Yes. Every Diwali, we wish each other Happines, Loads of Joy and Fortune. If not done, society might have a different view about us.
But, Diwali has always been a special occassion for the Indians. They never celebrate this Im-promptu. They plan for it well in advance. This is the day, (though meant for Enjoyment and relaxation) we get a bit extra tired, the reason being, a mouth gum ache - wishing everyone, A HAPPY and JOYOUS DIWALI, though, he/she is an unhappy person by birth!
This day has always got a different agenda on the board right from the morning, rather than an usual orthodox agenda. We wake up early (if not, we'll be taken to task!)even if not interested in celebrations, take bath (This has to be done, atleast today!), wear an attractive attire, visit a temple, burst crackers and stuff. But, as we keep growing by age, this dhamaka seems to attenuate. We feel slothful to rise up in the morning and celebrate.
The advancement of technology, in one way, has got a hand in spoiling the real sense of celebaration. We forward the Diwali wishes to a list of 40 people in our Cell phone memory and to a huge list in ORKUT and Yahoo, without actually knowing whom we wished. Because, this makes the job simpler (but not effective!). But, finally, DIWALI is still Diwali. The name has got something special in it. This day is always a speical day for all INDIANS, howmuch ever India has advanced.
HAPPY DIWALI TO ALL MY BLOGGER FRIENDS (Don mind, if i don wish each one of you in person!)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Man is in chains everywhere
It was well said by Rousseau “Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains”. What Rousseau meant was that man leads a free and unrestricted life till the day he realises the existence of a society around him.
Once man enters the civil society all his freedom and liberty vanishes.
Yes. Man’s life in the civil society is an artificial life. It is a false and untrue life. Man in the society becomes highly formal and sophisticated. He becomes greedy and wicked. The life in the civil society is not natural. It is a pretentious life. Here man follows double standards. He becomes civilized as wells as a hypocrite. He says one thing but does something else.
In the society man is everywhere in chains. I think, everywhere there are a set of do’s and dont's. The social, martial and governmental laws bind man. Thus a man cannot be free in the society. These restrictions, restraints and limitations are the real obstacles in his path of life.
Man, if, tries to shed the artificial aspects of his life and try to live a life in harmony with nature, it will look more natural and genuine.
Once man enters the civil society all his freedom and liberty vanishes.
Yes. Man’s life in the civil society is an artificial life. It is a false and untrue life. Man in the society becomes highly formal and sophisticated. He becomes greedy and wicked. The life in the civil society is not natural. It is a pretentious life. Here man follows double standards. He becomes civilized as wells as a hypocrite. He says one thing but does something else.
In the society man is everywhere in chains. I think, everywhere there are a set of do’s and dont's. The social, martial and governmental laws bind man. Thus a man cannot be free in the society. These restrictions, restraints and limitations are the real obstacles in his path of life.
Man, if, tries to shed the artificial aspects of his life and try to live a life in harmony with nature, it will look more natural and genuine.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
My Tag..
I have been TAGged on quite a few occasions. I preferred to escape. Now, after Lavanya‘s tag, I decided, I’d go by it without any further ado.
Writing tags are quite a task. Somehow, these days, there are standard questions, probably, relieving the stresses from the think tank. I’ll go by standards, the one I am good at (copying!!). Here it goes…
1. Pick out a scar you have and explain how you got it?
Had I got a scar near by eyebrows, I’d have been happier to be a Harry Potter, with a Hermoine, by my side. But things didn’t go that way. Twas a hot sunny day in the year 1994, when I was self satisfied to have learnt cycling. But my maneuvering capability was nil. I’d jus learnt to drive straight. To my goodness, that JEEP had good, probably, well-oiled disc brakes attached to it. Yes. I encountered a Jeep forcing onto me with maximum acceleration possible. I, “intelligently”, jumped from my cycle, with a notion of avoiding head-on collision. But, the climax was – I was just a foot away from those MRF tyres of that Jeep, lying flat. That was my first scar. It is still on my right leg, making me cherish that fruitful event.
2. How does your phone look like?
The famous NOKIA 1100 does not look any different. But, I love it.
3. What are on the walls of your bedroom?
Bedroom?? I stay in a hostel, where that 10 feet by 10 feet allotted for me is my bedroom is study room is my play room is my everything. It’s walls are mostly white, with a few places stuck with pics (that are not too good looking).
4. What time were you born?
8:52 AM, if I remember right.
5. Last person who made you cry.
A Difficult question. When I delve deep into my mind, I found out that it was I who made me cry.
6. What’s your favorite perfume?
Perfumes – I hate them. I m fresh by nature (lol!)
7. What are you listening to?
8. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
I am fond of south Indian food. So, probably, HOT & SOFT IDLIS would do.
9. Do you get scared in the dark?
I used to, when I was young. Now, I avoid going in the dark. If at all, I get to go, I normally forget to scare.
10. Who was the last person who made you mad?
Thank god, this has not happened to me yet. I am quiet stable right now.
11. What do you look for, in the opposite sex?
Too personal to disclose!!! Ha ha. Here is where I do not go by standards. Ok. As of now, to swim on the safer side of the river, Lemme tell you, that I look for their “Looks”.
I prefer to end my tag here. No more revelations.
I wanted to tag so many. OK. Let me be within limits.
No tags for Lavanya. She was the one who tagged me.
I, hereby, tag:
1. Ashu
2. Ankit
3. Keshi
4. Kaylee
5. Annie
Writing tags are quite a task. Somehow, these days, there are standard questions, probably, relieving the stresses from the think tank. I’ll go by standards, the one I am good at (copying!!). Here it goes…
1. Pick out a scar you have and explain how you got it?
Had I got a scar near by eyebrows, I’d have been happier to be a Harry Potter, with a Hermoine, by my side. But things didn’t go that way. Twas a hot sunny day in the year 1994, when I was self satisfied to have learnt cycling. But my maneuvering capability was nil. I’d jus learnt to drive straight. To my goodness, that JEEP had good, probably, well-oiled disc brakes attached to it. Yes. I encountered a Jeep forcing onto me with maximum acceleration possible. I, “intelligently”, jumped from my cycle, with a notion of avoiding head-on collision. But, the climax was – I was just a foot away from those MRF tyres of that Jeep, lying flat. That was my first scar. It is still on my right leg, making me cherish that fruitful event.
2. How does your phone look like?
The famous NOKIA 1100 does not look any different. But, I love it.
3. What are on the walls of your bedroom?
Bedroom?? I stay in a hostel, where that 10 feet by 10 feet allotted for me is my bedroom is study room is my play room is my everything. It’s walls are mostly white, with a few places stuck with pics (that are not too good looking).
4. What time were you born?
8:52 AM, if I remember right.
5. Last person who made you cry.
A Difficult question. When I delve deep into my mind, I found out that it was I who made me cry.
6. What’s your favorite perfume?
Perfumes – I hate them. I m fresh by nature (lol!)
7. What are you listening to?
8. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
I am fond of south Indian food. So, probably, HOT & SOFT IDLIS would do.
9. Do you get scared in the dark?
I used to, when I was young. Now, I avoid going in the dark. If at all, I get to go, I normally forget to scare.
10. Who was the last person who made you mad?
Thank god, this has not happened to me yet. I am quiet stable right now.
11. What do you look for, in the opposite sex?
Too personal to disclose!!! Ha ha. Here is where I do not go by standards. Ok. As of now, to swim on the safer side of the river, Lemme tell you, that I look for their “Looks”.
I prefer to end my tag here. No more revelations.
I wanted to tag so many. OK. Let me be within limits.
No tags for Lavanya. She was the one who tagged me.
I, hereby, tag:
1. Ashu
2. Ankit
3. Keshi
4. Kaylee
5. Annie
Friday, August 10, 2007
The Blogosphere
Blogosphere - This expanding sphere is shrinking.(Lol! That was a mere excuse to bring in an oxymoron). But, I really mean it. With the number of new blogs burgeoning, this sphere is exapnding. But this sphere apparently seems to shrink, by bringing people, with different flavour, closer.
Blogs, in a way, nurture creativity. They provide you with a platform, where in wannabees can lay their foundation stone. This FREE BLOGGING brings in quiet a lot of people from different strata. It furnishes one with a strong platform where in one can unleash his/her opinions right from Facts to World Affairs, Poems to Stories, Emotions to sentiments, Personal politics to pervasive stuff, Scribblings to useful stuff, so on and so forth. It gives people freedom and liberty to think and bring out the A to Z of any stuff.
Value sharing is not in paucity, in here, with co-bloggers flooding in to (not so true in my case, though!) pour in their comments on our stuff. So things get more global.
I.ve admired quiet a lot of blogs.(Dunno, how many admire mine! But i do:-)). It sometimes, make me feel that I am nowhere, when I peep into some good blogs. So, this creates in me, a sense of inferiority, which I combat to overcome, and come out with with some better stuff in my blog. This has been the best fruit, I've reaped from BLOGGER.COM. Thanks. I think, this would be the case with most bloggers.(I never meant that this creates a sense of hatred within people. That's a completely wrong notion). Blogs really create an AURA of thought sharing. Blogging is no less in uniting people, who think alike.
To be frank, I've never delved deep into my mind to bring out something before my blogger days.
Most important of all, Owning a personal blog (with attractive template platfrom designed by blogger) always brings in a sense of pride & superbia into the self, which kindles further interest into blogging. So blogs have got anything and everything into it. It has got a strong platform for one to shape his/her world.
Blogs, in a way, nurture creativity. They provide you with a platform, where in wannabees can lay their foundation stone. This FREE BLOGGING brings in quiet a lot of people from different strata. It furnishes one with a strong platform where in one can unleash his/her opinions right from Facts to World Affairs, Poems to Stories, Emotions to sentiments, Personal politics to pervasive stuff, Scribblings to useful stuff, so on and so forth. It gives people freedom and liberty to think and bring out the A to Z of any stuff.
Value sharing is not in paucity, in here, with co-bloggers flooding in to (not so true in my case, though!) pour in their comments on our stuff. So things get more global.
I.ve admired quiet a lot of blogs.(Dunno, how many admire mine! But i do:-)). It sometimes, make me feel that I am nowhere, when I peep into some good blogs. So, this creates in me, a sense of inferiority, which I combat to overcome, and come out with with some better stuff in my blog. This has been the best fruit, I've reaped from BLOGGER.COM. Thanks. I think, this would be the case with most bloggers.(I never meant that this creates a sense of hatred within people. That's a completely wrong notion). Blogs really create an AURA of thought sharing. Blogging is no less in uniting people, who think alike.
To be frank, I've never delved deep into my mind to bring out something before my blogger days.
Most important of all, Owning a personal blog (with attractive template platfrom designed by blogger) always brings in a sense of pride & superbia into the self, which kindles further interest into blogging. So blogs have got anything and everything into it. It has got a strong platform for one to shape his/her world.
Friday, July 20, 2007
In chains...
Seems like things are fleeing fast,
Life seemingly is hectic,
But it isn't.
A new day with a lively sun comes to life,
Before i could realise the essence,
It's dusk.
Days pass unfelt.
I feel,
I am in chains...
Acclivity is getting aberrant...
Lots of pot holes mid-way,
Still managing to stay alive.
Life seemingly is hectic,
But it isn't.
A new day with a lively sun comes to life,
Before i could realise the essence,
It's dusk.
Days pass unfelt.
I feel,
I am in chains...
Acclivity is getting aberrant...
Lots of pot holes mid-way,
Still managing to stay alive.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
"I love him above all"

Time : 3:00 AM…
She blew out of the water to see her cute Nokia 1108 creating undamped continuous vibrations, signaling a call. Before she could realize that she’s being remembered even during nights, vibrations stopped. “What a nasty dream, thank god, I was disturbed” she realized.
Trrriinnggg. Vibrations restarted. This time she was not going to miss that. Grabbed her cutie with her soft hands asap only to see the white lighted screen informing her “2 missed calls”. “Missed again” she murmured.
Preoccupied with her dreams that, for her satisfaction, got shattered in the middle, she just forgot to realize that her security unlock code was the number equivalent of her, probably, best phrase ‘LOVE U RAVI’, the one that could help her in unraveling the secrets in her mobile. But she was attempting hard to allay the fears that had cropped her up because of that nightmare. “Let me freshen up” she uttered to herself.
“Tick” – on were the lights of a posh and tidy bathroom. With a night-robe embracing the most beautiful torso of hers, she stepped into the bathroom to get her ever-fresh face even fresher. Sprinkled water onto it. Those fortunate droplets that fell on her were even more fortunate, because it was 3 at night, when most water taps remain dormant.
“5 missed calls” mobile screen reminded as she peeped into in again. Typing her most cherished words, did she manage to unlock her cutie. “Hope, this day I wasn’t born. Nope I wasn’t.” she confirmed, while trying to unearth who the caller was/callers were.
Bewildered !!
“No number? But how could that be? Missed call from no number?” This added fuel to fire. She felt queasy. She missed all five calls from that so-called “no number.” She, feeling nervy, waited for her mobile to vibrate once more. She was all set to press the ‘attend’ button. To her misfortune, her vigilance received no reward.
There was a ten-minute unbroken silence. None moved, neither she nor her sweet mobile. Blood of fear streamed all through her body. “No calls yet.” she sickened.
Reclining uneasily, in an easy chair, she fought all odds of her mind to get rid of that dream out of it. It wouldn’t budge. Dreams, generally, are volatile. This wasn’t. To heighten her nervousness, her thoughts were filled by the nightmare as she began to retrospect it.
“A great day so far. I am off for a treat tonight. He has invited me.” with an awesome smile on her face, did she utter these words to her pal over phone. “His pontiac grandprix is going to take me to his place”. Her smiles crossed all limits of beauty. Strolling in the park, she had a great time with her friend over phone. She was all smiles.
It was dusk and the chauffeur knocked at hers. “Yes Peter, I am ready.” Attired with a beautiful Indian Sari, Flamingo pink in colour, she looked bonnier than the bonniest. Her beauty needing more superlatives than those existing in an up-to-date lexicon. “What a cute car, Peter” she was amazed at the Pontiac Grandprix.
Getting into it, she called up the sweetheart, whom she loved above all, to inform that she’s on her way. There was no answer from the other end. Her anxious wait to plant a kiss on her mobile, which would transmit that to his cheeks, wasn’t rewarded. “Peter, He’s home, right?” “Yes madam.” Keeping her 1108 cutie aside, she settled in to love the air that was breezing past her, as the car raced past all beautiful trees. The climate was just right for a romantic candle-light dinner.
As the car raced into the parking lot, she became over-thrilled. Disembarking her beautiful torso out of the automobile beauty, she thanked the chauffeur and stepped into, what she used to call as, palace.
A few seconds passed unspoken….
Shocker!! “Peter!” she yelled. The chauffeur rushed in. He, too, was taken aback.
The chauffeur, in quick reaction, got near the person, who was lying unconscious, in a position that concealed his identity, on a beautiful and tidy vitrified-tiled floor. The chauffeur made all efforts to overturn. She was shell-shocked, but still looked so beautiful, as always.
TIME: 3:00 AM. She blew out of the water to see her cute Nokia 1108 creating undamped continuous vibrations, signaling a call. Before she could realize that she’s being remembered even during nights, vibrations stopped. “What a nasty dream, thank god, I was disturbed” she realized.
She revered the missed caller, who saved her most covetous person. She thanked him/her and her cute mobile phone, which she always loves, for not revealing the identity of that badly bruised body.
Friday, June 22, 2007
The WAIT - Peak of Anxiety...

An inferno within,
Burning red inside,
Too hot to extinguish.
A restive state unprecedented,
Jittering teeth,
Jerky limbs,
Loosening grip,
All together,
Intensified all through.
Uncertain and indecisive mind,
Tried hard to kibosh,
Signs of self-placation nil,
Limits transcended.
Was that I?
“You”, pal yelled,
Yes. It was I,
Teeth were mine,
Limbs were mine,
Mind was mine.
Tensity was mine.
Sweat galore,
Filling my face.
World infront faded,
Anxiety approaching its zenith,
Five anxious seconds to pass....
“Yes. I did it. I did it”
TATA, You did it for me.
My life’s got a LIFE,
My Insanity turned sane,
Dormancy turned Vivid,
Anxiety abated,
Satisfaction limitless,
Though ephemeral.
Life’s got a meaning,
One hundred sixty seventh afternoon,
Seven years into the 21st century,
The day unforgettable…
Friday, June 08, 2007
This is so esoteric,
Too hard to decipher,
Drifting away from clarity,
Getting hazy and indistinct,
Too erratic and fickle....
Too hard to decipher,
Drifting away from clarity,
Getting hazy and indistinct,
Too erratic and fickle....
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Acclivity, at times, seem to lead me astray...
Somewhere very far, too far even to figure out...
Life's still not got an exact meaning...
Life's a dream....
Somewhere very far, too far even to figure out...
Life's still not got an exact meaning...
Life's a dream....
Monday, May 14, 2007
The inter-college inter-disciplinary mega technical symposium of College Of Engineering Guindy, KURUKSHETRA, the first of its kind, in the history of CEG, came to bare sunlight, on the 4th of January, to kick off the new-year (2007) in a style.
This 4-day symposium was filled with lots of inter-disciplinary techno-management events, robotics, papers, projects, lots of technical demos, programming contests, games taking place at various venues within CEG campus. The campus seemed like an ‘opportunities fair’ with people meandering in and around to get into some venue, and have their presence felt. The place was buzzing with value-adding exuberance.
All laurels and accolades to my colleagues. Hats off to them. The magnitude of this event was twice that of TECHOFES. It was a painstakingly planned mighty event. To add burden to the shoulders, this was the first time such a big (costliest-ever in the history of CEG) event came forth. All great minds of CEG congregated and came up with innovative ideas, ingenious plans that nurtured this KURUKSHETRA. The tag-line goes like this “The Battle of the Brains” and this stood justified at the dusk of the fourth day.
The main plus point we had in managing this mega event was that, we had split our work into groups and worked towards its final shape. It was split like, one group would be working on Hospitality (guiding and helping the guests and participants right from the start till the end), one other group on events planning (preparing a well-planned schedule. Ensuring no events clash and ensuring their smooth running etc), the other one on marketing (getting hold of sponsors, informing colleges those that are within the proximity and those that are remote) and so on and so forth. This helped us a lot.
Regarding the events,
All events kicked off in style and ended fantastically. Events like FUN WITH PHYSICS (conducted by my friend Rakesh) pulled crowd in excess. All others events also were no less, attracted a decent crowd. There were some informal events like Crosswords, Su Do Ku (that were simultaneously taking place) which added ebullience to this lively technical funda.
It would not be fair, if do not mention about the event for which I was one of the CO-ORDINATORS of. This event, called the DALAL BULL event, was a stock-market event (Rules: Rs. 10,00,000 (don't get astonished, it's virtual money!)would initially be given to all participants. By judiciously utilizing these money, he/she has to have a motive of profit-making, by buying and selling shares of various companies (along with their share values), that were displayed on large screens at the venue. The winner is obvious. The one who has achieved the maximum of all). This, being a ‘no specific-dept.’ management event drew in maximum crowd. The venue was bubbling with buzz. This event proved to be the largest of the events at K ’07 (as we call Kurukshetra ’07 for short). This 3 day event kicked off, with a chaos, unlike other events, as we had to overcome a healthy crowd. To add fuel to fire, some of the systems, that contained significant data, went down. Bystanders within the campus were found criticizing on this event. After a somber start, this event gradually accelerated. The crowd’s magnitude started bloating. We, learning from the mistakes, adroitly managed the crowd with ease. At the end of K ’07, our event got hell lots of accolades. Thanks to the initial errors that we committed.
This K ’07, the battle of the brains, on the whole, was a well-executed “program”me. The fastidious colleagues of my college, for their sweat, deserved lots of credit and earned them too and are geared up for an even LARGER magnitude K ’08 and an even bigger DALAL BULL event.
K ’08 – a mightier battle.
This 4-day symposium was filled with lots of inter-disciplinary techno-management events, robotics, papers, projects, lots of technical demos, programming contests, games taking place at various venues within CEG campus. The campus seemed like an ‘opportunities fair’ with people meandering in and around to get into some venue, and have their presence felt. The place was buzzing with value-adding exuberance.
All laurels and accolades to my colleagues. Hats off to them. The magnitude of this event was twice that of TECHOFES. It was a painstakingly planned mighty event. To add burden to the shoulders, this was the first time such a big (costliest-ever in the history of CEG) event came forth. All great minds of CEG congregated and came up with innovative ideas, ingenious plans that nurtured this KURUKSHETRA. The tag-line goes like this “The Battle of the Brains” and this stood justified at the dusk of the fourth day.
The main plus point we had in managing this mega event was that, we had split our work into groups and worked towards its final shape. It was split like, one group would be working on Hospitality (guiding and helping the guests and participants right from the start till the end), one other group on events planning (preparing a well-planned schedule. Ensuring no events clash and ensuring their smooth running etc), the other one on marketing (getting hold of sponsors, informing colleges those that are within the proximity and those that are remote) and so on and so forth. This helped us a lot.
Regarding the events,
All events kicked off in style and ended fantastically. Events like FUN WITH PHYSICS (conducted by my friend Rakesh) pulled crowd in excess. All others events also were no less, attracted a decent crowd. There were some informal events like Crosswords, Su Do Ku (that were simultaneously taking place) which added ebullience to this lively technical funda.
It would not be fair, if do not mention about the event for which I was one of the CO-ORDINATORS of. This event, called the DALAL BULL event, was a stock-market event (Rules: Rs. 10,00,000 (don't get astonished, it's virtual money!)would initially be given to all participants. By judiciously utilizing these money, he/she has to have a motive of profit-making, by buying and selling shares of various companies (along with their share values), that were displayed on large screens at the venue. The winner is obvious. The one who has achieved the maximum of all). This, being a ‘no specific-dept.’ management event drew in maximum crowd. The venue was bubbling with buzz. This event proved to be the largest of the events at K ’07 (as we call Kurukshetra ’07 for short). This 3 day event kicked off, with a chaos, unlike other events, as we had to overcome a healthy crowd. To add fuel to fire, some of the systems, that contained significant data, went down. Bystanders within the campus were found criticizing on this event. After a somber start, this event gradually accelerated. The crowd’s magnitude started bloating. We, learning from the mistakes, adroitly managed the crowd with ease. At the end of K ’07, our event got hell lots of accolades. Thanks to the initial errors that we committed.
This K ’07, the battle of the brains, on the whole, was a well-executed “program”me. The fastidious colleagues of my college, for their sweat, deserved lots of credit and earned them too and are geared up for an even LARGER magnitude K ’08 and an even bigger DALAL BULL event.
K ’08 – a mightier battle.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
The making of TECHOFES '07.
The annual Cultural Festival of College of Engineering Guindy, TECHOFES which sets the stage ablaze during MID-FEBRAUARY, did the same this year (2007) too, between Feb 15-18.
This 4 day extravaganza featured variety of entertainment. Blockbuster film (as they call it), Fashion Show (Don expect much from it. It was damn dry.!!), Light Music (rocked!), Variety Show (Fine one..), Choreo-nite (enticing..) to name a few. There were lots of miniature events too, that were taking place on all 4 days at various venues in our campus, loaded with heaps of fun in them. On all four days, campus was bubbling with exuberance.
Coming to the making of this magnanimous event,
This event needed a well planned scheduling and careful execution, as its magnitude was quite massive. The greatness that lies within us (my college dudes) is the unity with which they sweat out to make the occasion a success. They give their everything, to ensure that, this turns out into a proper shape. Everything was well planned. Very Well executed.
But the days they sweated were really tough. Bunking classes to get hold of sponsors, inviting chief guests (since, this being a cultural, actors, actresses would be the best fit) to grace the occasion, arrangements for stage, acoustic settings, Keeping venues equipped with necessary requisites, informing the press, arranging for stalls, Using rhetoric in arguing with film distributors (Film must also be latest. Old films find scarce crowd – another feat to be achieved) to avoid fleecing exorbitant sum, informing caterers for snacks, invitations for all the staff (It must also be ensured that invitation reaches each and every staff or it’ll turn out to be problematic.), hospitality for all the participants and guests and many more…
The event was very well executed.
Coming to the entertainment part of Techofes ’07,
Day 1: Some, not very well known personality, declared TECHOFES ‘07 open on the dusk of the 15th. It was followed by a movie, that featured a 3 hr entertainment. (The density of the crowd contributed more to the entertainment than the film’s theme!!!)
Day 2: VASUNDHRA DAS concert rocked the stages on the 16th. Venue was bubbling with ebullience. John Britto’s dance company (professional choreographers) entertained us, in between her songs.
Day 3: This day’s morning featured with a lots of trivial fun. Evening – Fashion show to kick off the dusk buzz. Guys were in full attendance (as though, they’d been craving for this for long). Disappointment!! Upset!! Dismal performance by the girls on the cat-walk. (My college, CEG, was the worst. Others were equally bad too). Variety show followed this, pulled back the squalid and torpid crowd, back to an aura filled with fun. It was a fine performance. Lots of colleges in and around Chennai had come ‘all the way’ to our campus and enacted a good variety show.
Day 4: Choreo-nite set the evening stage, of the final day, ablaze. A pyrotechnic experience. Profusely gifted dancers from various colleges did their part exceedingly well.
The event, tout ensemble, was a great success. United effort of my pals, patient and dedicated execution of an ingeniously planned programme, finally, bore FRUIT.
This 4 day extravaganza featured variety of entertainment. Blockbuster film (as they call it), Fashion Show (Don expect much from it. It was damn dry.!!), Light Music (rocked!), Variety Show (Fine one..), Choreo-nite (enticing..) to name a few. There were lots of miniature events too, that were taking place on all 4 days at various venues in our campus, loaded with heaps of fun in them. On all four days, campus was bubbling with exuberance.
Coming to the making of this magnanimous event,
This event needed a well planned scheduling and careful execution, as its magnitude was quite massive. The greatness that lies within us (my college dudes) is the unity with which they sweat out to make the occasion a success. They give their everything, to ensure that, this turns out into a proper shape. Everything was well planned. Very Well executed.
But the days they sweated were really tough. Bunking classes to get hold of sponsors, inviting chief guests (since, this being a cultural, actors, actresses would be the best fit) to grace the occasion, arrangements for stage, acoustic settings, Keeping venues equipped with necessary requisites, informing the press, arranging for stalls, Using rhetoric in arguing with film distributors (Film must also be latest. Old films find scarce crowd – another feat to be achieved) to avoid fleecing exorbitant sum, informing caterers for snacks, invitations for all the staff (It must also be ensured that invitation reaches each and every staff or it’ll turn out to be problematic.), hospitality for all the participants and guests and many more…
The event was very well executed.
Coming to the entertainment part of Techofes ’07,
Day 1: Some, not very well known personality, declared TECHOFES ‘07 open on the dusk of the 15th. It was followed by a movie, that featured a 3 hr entertainment. (The density of the crowd contributed more to the entertainment than the film’s theme!!!)
Day 2: VASUNDHRA DAS concert rocked the stages on the 16th. Venue was bubbling with ebullience. John Britto’s dance company (professional choreographers) entertained us, in between her songs.
Day 3: This day’s morning featured with a lots of trivial fun. Evening – Fashion show to kick off the dusk buzz. Guys were in full attendance (as though, they’d been craving for this for long). Disappointment!! Upset!! Dismal performance by the girls on the cat-walk. (My college, CEG, was the worst. Others were equally bad too). Variety show followed this, pulled back the squalid and torpid crowd, back to an aura filled with fun. It was a fine performance. Lots of colleges in and around Chennai had come ‘all the way’ to our campus and enacted a good variety show.
Day 4: Choreo-nite set the evening stage, of the final day, ablaze. A pyrotechnic experience. Profusely gifted dancers from various colleges did their part exceedingly well.
The event, tout ensemble, was a great success. United effort of my pals, patient and dedicated execution of an ingeniously planned programme, finally, bore FRUIT.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Redressed & Renamed..
It was probably, some kind of VICIOUS CIRCLE, he (Verdant Barrens), was undergoing. So, i thought, it would be wise, if i redress and baptize him, with a new name.
He was proving obsolete, outdated, was proving futile. He has changed now, as you could see. He desperately needed this.
Welcome! Here comes.... this sapling afresh, with a motive to experiment and explore life beyond INFINITY.....
He was proving obsolete, outdated, was proving futile. He has changed now, as you could see. He desperately needed this.
Welcome! Here comes.... this sapling afresh, with a motive to experiment and explore life beyond INFINITY.....
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Oh.. MY BLOG ! ! More as a guest than as a host..
Ok.Let's not talk about INDIA's 'optimistic, successful' performance and WOOLMER's death in WORLD CUP '07. The reason being, whereever you step on to, u hear ppl 'value-addingly' discussing about this topic.
All the BEST for 2011. Go INDIA go!! (lol..)
Now, let's welcome the OWNER GUEST of 'VERDANT BARRENS'.
Press: Y r u so 'regular' to ur blog (verdant barrens)?
Owner: I find hell lots of time, to come to the NET and spend lotsa time blogging!!
I am not strangulated (not like BOB WOOLMER) with assignments, tests, college functions etc..
Press: Can v expect attendance from now on?
Owner: Not for the next one month, as i'd b gripped by LOVELY SEM EXAMS.
Press: Thank u sir. Gr8 blogging!!
And my Congrats to my frend, a gr8 writer and a budding blogger, on starting a NEW THOUGHT ADDICTING blog?!!
All the BEST for 2011. Go INDIA go!! (lol..)
Now, let's welcome the OWNER GUEST of 'VERDANT BARRENS'.
Press: Y r u so 'regular' to ur blog (verdant barrens)?
Owner: I find hell lots of time, to come to the NET and spend lotsa time blogging!!
I am not strangulated (not like BOB WOOLMER) with assignments, tests, college functions etc..
Press: Can v expect attendance from now on?
Owner: Not for the next one month, as i'd b gripped by LOVELY SEM EXAMS.
Press: Thank u sir. Gr8 blogging!!
And my Congrats to my frend, a gr8 writer and a budding blogger, on starting a NEW THOUGHT ADDICTING blog?!!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
An Overview of KURUKSHETRA & TECHOFES ' 07
On their way......
THE MAKING OF TECHOFES '07 - To be scribbled on : 09th May '07.
THE MAKING OF KURUKSHETRA '07 - To be scribbled on : 14th May '07
THE MAKING OF TECHOFES '07 - To be scribbled on : 09th May '07.
THE MAKING OF KURUKSHETRA '07 - To be scribbled on : 14th May '07
Friday, March 09, 2007
Re-defining Life...
blurring out as I accelerate,
forcing me, the wrong way,
Acclivity leading to infinity,
Transcending all limits.
In retrospect,
Life in the past,
threw light to queries unanswered,
Acclivity leading to infinity,
Transcending all limits.
But, I am here now,
gently clearing off them,
through illusions and visualisations,
Acclivity leading to infinity,
Transcending all limits.
Polishing to the apex of its lusture,
Shaping it to near unity,
with best use of seconds,
though, not the very best,
Acclivity leading to infinity,
Transcending all limits.
As I progress,
I am aware,
Tint of maturity in immaturity,
transforming into,
Tint of immaturity in maturity,
Acclivity leading to infinity,
Transcending all limits.
Life redefined?
seemingly distinct,
but blurd,
and blurd,
and I resist,
Acclivity leading to infinity,
Transcending all limits.
blurring out as I accelerate,
forcing me, the wrong way,
Acclivity leading to infinity,
Transcending all limits.
In retrospect,
Life in the past,
threw light to queries unanswered,
Acclivity leading to infinity,
Transcending all limits.
But, I am here now,
gently clearing off them,
through illusions and visualisations,
Acclivity leading to infinity,
Transcending all limits.
Polishing to the apex of its lusture,
Shaping it to near unity,
with best use of seconds,
though, not the very best,
Acclivity leading to infinity,
Transcending all limits.
As I progress,
I am aware,
Tint of maturity in immaturity,
transforming into,
Tint of immaturity in maturity,
Acclivity leading to infinity,
Transcending all limits.
Life redefined?
seemingly distinct,
but blurd,
and blurd,
and I resist,
Acclivity leading to infinity,
Transcending all limits.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Do they really exist???
We, the people: "Ya they do" , "I don't think so, they do"........
Wat's happening all out here?
Hey, come on Poltergeists can exist. Though am not very assertive with this statement,
am still on the greener side on the belief of their existence.
Though there being some 1100 websites, on the net, giving info about their existence, we'd remain dubious and skeptical till the day we experience its existance (don't panic!!)
But it's still pretty interesting and intriguing to surf through the poltergeist sagas. But I feel, one never can asseverate that Poltergeists don't exist.
Wat's happening all out here?
Hey, come on Poltergeists can exist. Though am not very assertive with this statement,
am still on the greener side on the belief of their existence.
Though there being some 1100 websites, on the net, giving info about their existence, we'd remain dubious and skeptical till the day we experience its existance (don't panic!!)
But it's still pretty interesting and intriguing to surf through the poltergeist sagas. But I feel, one never can asseverate that Poltergeists don't exist.
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