Thursday, January 31, 2008


"I do not care for liberation, I would rather go to
a hundred thousand hells, 'doing good to others
(silently) like the spring', this is my religion.

- Swami Vivekananda


Lukkydivs said...

so sweet of vivekananda ji :P

u trying to do the same ravi :P ??

Ravisekharan (a) Ravi said...


Ha ha! Ya ya. I m trying to. Let's c. :P

Lavanya said...

Vivekananda, wow. I remember mugging his speech in sanskrit for school - 'Ayi rishi muninaam vamshadharaaha, uththishtatha, prathamam bharatheeya banatha' or something of that sort. Didn't make too much sense to me then, but Vivekananda is awesome, everything that he's said is so full of inspiration.

He rocks no? I just wish indian schools imbibed more of him than Tolstoy. Kaila vennaiya vechundu nei thedra maari irukku.

Ravisekharan (a) Ravi said...


Ha ha! Bang on! There u r. "Kaila vennaiya vechundu nei thedra maari irukku." Exactly.:)

Anonymous said...

nice quote mate :)

Lukkydivs said...

sumthing for u on blog

Jeya Anand said...

Wonderful quote...
How r u buddy?

WritingsForLife said...

I just wish we were all like that :)

Ravisekharan (a) Ravi said...


Thanks a lot, ashu.

I m honoured to hav my blog in ur blogroll... Thanks a lot Divya. :)
@Jeya Anand"

I m fine man. How abt u??

U r right. Let's try to be like dat. :P :P...